Photograph of Claudine Hubert

Claudine Hubert

Director of Human Resources, Thinkwell Studio Montréal

As Director of Human Resources at Thinkwell Studio Montréal, Claudine is part of the connective tissue that keeps things running smoothly at the studio, ensuring that both staff and company needs are being met as the firm evolves and grows.

  • With over two decades of experience in the cultural not-for-profit field, she aims to build a diverse and versatile team at Thinkwell, reflecting a range of experiences that nourish the project development process. 


    She believes that hiring and retaining people from different backgrounds is key to developing successful projects for the widest range of audiences around the world. An active supporter of the digital arts community in Montreal, she is a board member of Centre Clark, President of the Board of Directors at Ateliers Belleville, and a member of the Digital Arts Committee of the Conseil des arts de Montréal.